If you're running an instance of Ktistec and want to see what other ActivityPub instances are sending you, turn on JSON-LD processing debug logging.

  1. Go the the /system URL.
  2. Find the ktistec.json_ld setting.
  3. Select "Debug" and save.

Ktistec will dump received activities to the log, after the activity has been parsed into JSON but before JSON-LD expansion.

2025-01-22 14:53:17 UTC 409 POST /actors/toddsundsted/inbox 4.29ms
2025-01-22T14:53:17.597172Z  DEBUG - ktistec.json_ld: {"@context" => ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "https://w3id.org/security/v1"],
"id" => "https://random.site/users/FooBar#delete", "type" => "Delete", "actor" => "https://random.site/users/FooBar", "object" => "https://random.site/users/FooBar", "to" => ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"], 
"signature" => {"type" => "RsaSignature2017", "creator" => "https://random.site/users/FooBar#main-key", "created" => "2025-01-22T14:52:40Z", "signatureValue" => "01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz=="}}

Answer to a FAQ:
The server returns HTTP status code 409 ("Conflict") if it has already received an activity.

#ktistec #fediverse #activitypub