{ "@context":[ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", {"Hashtag":"as:Hashtag"} ], "published":"2023-02-22T18:31:08.619Z", "attributedTo":"https://epiktistes.com/actors/toddsundsted", "to":["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"], "cc":["https://epiktistes.com/actors/toddsundsted/followers"], "content":"

a phone number with voice is almost completely useless to me. since the beginning of the year i've received 3 legitimate phone calls, but every day i receive somewhere between 3 and 7 spam, marketing, or otherwise questionable calls. what's interesting is that i regularly just block the numbers, but that doesn't seem to slow the pace...

i just asked our HR department if a phone number on file is a requirement for employment...

", "mediaType":"text/html", "attachment":[], "type":"Note", "id":"https://epiktistes.com/objects/4LmuF7rXlNc" }