{ "@context":[ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", {"Hashtag":"as:Hashtag"} ], "published":"2023-02-17T23:27:37.458Z", "attributedTo":"https://epiktistes.com/actors/toddsundsted", "to":["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"], "cc":["https://epiktistes.com/actors/toddsundsted/followers"], "content":"

i'm slowly working my way through the backlog of ktistec issues. i just pushed small changes that:

following threads—and later tags—is going to be a huge benefit to single user ktistec instances. large instances with many users sit on top of a huge pile of content (both local and federated) and that creates an environment that sometimes feels more complete. users of ktistec will still have to intentionally follow a thread or follow a tag, but ktistec will do the work of pulling in the relevant content in the background and making it available.

", "mediaType":"text/html", "attachment":[], "type":"Note", "id":"https://epiktistes.com/objects/LZNXL5hlgeI" }