{ "@context":[ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", {"Hashtag":"as:Hashtag"} ], "published":"2022-12-25T12:50:04.605Z", "attributedTo":"https://epiktistes.com/actors/toddsundsted", "inReplyTo":"https://epiktistes.com/objects/_CCymT9ZE64", "to":["https://epiktistes.com/actors/toddsundsted","https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"], "cc":["https://epiktistes.com/actors/toddsundsted/followers"], "content":"

i've been thinking about how to deal with this. it seems like fetching a post's reply collection is the way to pull replies over to your instance, either when a post is received, or maybe when it's first read. that seemed practical until i discovered that the \"reply thread\" style of posting is often a reply to the original, then a single reply to the reply, then a single reply to that reply (in other words it's a linked list of posts) which would require recursively fetching replies—just to get the author's end to end story (and not to get any actual replies to it). 😠

", "mediaType":"text/html", "attachment":[], "type":"Note", "id":"https://epiktistes.com/objects/lDtsX9PUVHI" }