This action will delete this post on this instance and on all federated instances, and it cannot be undone. Are you certain you want to delete this post?
This action will delete this post on this instance and on all federated instances, and it cannot be undone. Are you certain you want to delete this post?
This action will block this actor and hide all of their past and future posts. Are you certain you want to block this actor?
This action will block this object. Are you certain you want to block this object?
one of the crystal programming language’s greatest strengths is the ease with which you can work with c apis and external libraries without leaving crystal. you can even implement callbacks in crystal!
in sqlite you can define new functions—callable from sql—with sqlite3_create_function
by providing a name and a callback that implements the function. i created a new function called strip, entirely in crystal, that removes html markup and leaves text. it can be used in a sql query like so:
select * from objects where strip(content) like "%term%"
it’s part of the recently released content filtering code.